The Treatment of Microfibers

Bremen, 22 January 2025: Microplastics are ubiquitous and evidence of serious harm is increasing. Studies have linked microplastics and nanoplastics to heart attacks, strokes and deaths, and microplastics have been …

DNFI – Founding member of – Make the Label Count

(Update: February 3rd 2023) “Make the Label Count” brings together an international coalition of organisations who want to ensure clothing sustainability claims in the EU and globaly are credible. The …

Microplastic pollution is a global challenge

Microplastic pollution is a global challenge across many industries and sectors – one of critical importance being textiles. A 2021 study by the California Ocean Science Trust and a group …

EU Sustainable Textiles Strategy

DNFI is composed of individuals and organizations from around the world who voluntarily and independently share information about natural fibres. Currently the EU is preparing its sustainable textile strategy. This …