DNFI Innovation in Natural Fibres Award

The DNFI invites every year submissions in the field of Natural Fibres from the following categories:

  • Innovative products, components or applications
  • Innovative processes and procedures
  • Innovative research and science

The DNFI Innovation in Natural Fibres Award aim to promote the development of new products/components and applications using natural fibres as well as new processes for manufacturing of environmental friendly products. Universities, institutes, industry and individuals working in the area of scientific research are invited to participate. “Sustainability” should be just one important aspect of each submission considered by the judges.

The DNFI Innovation in Natural Fibres Award aims to recognise the innovations as well as the people and institutions responsible for them with the goal of raising public awareness of the achievements of the natural fibre sector as a whole.

DNFI claims no rights and makes no effort to gain advantage of any kind over the intellectual property represented in applications of the annual DNFI Innovation in Natural Fibres Award.

IMPORTANT: Please submit only innovations, which have not yet received any awards!

Evaluation criteria are:

  • Degree to which the product or process innovation has been implemented
  • Outstanding scientific work and technical feasibility
  • Level of improvement, effectiveness or innovation
  • Potential for opening new outlets and markets or sectors
  • Aspects for the agricultural or sustainable impact


Judging Procedures:

There is a two-step selection process. In a first round, usually in September, a sub-committee of DNFI members will winnow the applications to approximately 5 finalists across the three categories.

If no final winner is found by the experts, in a second round all members of DNFI, and anyone, anywhere in the world, including persons who are not members of DNFI, may create a voter ID on the DNFI web site and vote for the best among the finalists. A single award winner will be chosen by majority vote. The results of the first and second rounds shall be final. There will be no right of appeal.

The winner will receive the award during an Ceremony at an international natural fibes or textile event.

Application submission forms:

Download template: Innovative products and components or applications 2024 (.docx)

Download template: Innovative processes and procedures 2024 (.docx)

Download template: Innovative research and science 2024 (.docx)

The submission of documents for the DNFI Innovation in Natural Fibres Award are open until September 30th!

Additional Information: DNFI Innovation in Natural Fibres Award 2024

Download press release: 2024 DNFI Innovation Award Announcement