DNFI – Founding member of – Make the Label Count

(Update: February 3rd 2023)

Make the Label Count “Make the Label Count” brings together an international coalition of organisations who want to ensure clothing sustainability claims in the EU and globaly are credible.

The EU is shifting to a climate-neutral and circular economy, which means products need to be more energy-efficient, durable, reusable, repairable, and recyclable. Because the fashion and textile industry has such a big environmental footprint, the European Commission is reviewing sustainability claims on apparel and footwear and is exploring options including “mandatory sustainability labelling” for products and using the Product Environmental Footprint methodology to substantiate claims.

The problem with the European Commission’s proposal (as of October 2021) is that the methodology they plan to use to measure environmental impacts of clothing – the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) – is incomplete. It currently downplays or excludes critical environmental impacts and does not reflect the EU’s own sustainability and circularity goals.

The DNFI has joined the initiative as founding member to objectively present and promote the positive properties of natural fibers and thereby make a substantial contribution to a sustainable textile industry. With its activities DNFI directly and indirectly supports more than 40 million households worldwide that are involved in the production of natural fibers.

Make the label count: https://www.makethelabelcount.org/

Download: Make the Label Count - Briefing Document

Download: MTLC responds to Substantiating Green Claims delay (Update 25.05.2022)

The European Environmental Bureau (EEB): Will green labels for fast fashion miss the point?