DNFI Steering Committee Meeting 2023

(Updated: January 24 2023)

DNFI Steering Committee Meeting 2023As every year, DNFI invites its members and all natural fibre supporters from around the world to its annual steering committee meeting. The meeting will be conducted in hybrid format on Wednesday January 11 2023 between 15:00 and 17:00 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, in the offices of the German textile industry association, IVGT. All members are invited to participate, either in-person or virtually.

The 2023 Annual Meeting of DNFI will feature reports and an ensuing discussion on emerging developments in markets for natural fibres of which producers should be aware.


13:30 Arriving of Attendees at IVGT offices
13:45 Virtual Attendees log on (The MS Teams link will be sent to the registered participants.)

15:00 Welcome: Elke Hortmeyer, Chair of DNFI, Director Communication Bremer Baumwollbörse

Global Overview
15:10 World natural fiber production, value and employment: Dr. Terry Townsend, Cotton Analytics, Houston, USA
15:15 World Economic Outlook and Implications for Fibre Markets: John Baffes, The World Bank
15:20 Natural Fibre Activities in FAO, El Mamoun Amrouk, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations

Natural Fibres Reports
15:25 Cotton: Mark Messura, Cotton Incorporated
15:30 Flax/Linen: Damien Durand, Alliance for European Flax/Linen and Hemp
15:35 Hemp: Francesco Mirrizi, European Industrial Hemp Association
15:40 Jute: Thomas Bressler, Wilhelm G. Clasen GmbH & Co. KG
15:45 Sisal: Oliver Reimer-Wollenweber, Wilhelm G. Clasen GmbH & Co. KG
15:50 Silk: João Berdu, Vale da Seda
15:55 Wool: Dalena White, International Wool Textile Organisation
16:00 Luxury Fibres: Jaanus Vosu, Perú Alpaca Yarn & Textile
16:05 Q&A, Discussion

DNFI Business Meeting
16:15 Election of Officers
16:30 Calendar of DNFI Activities for 2023
16:35 DNFI Web site: Report Stefan Schmidt
16:40 Date of the 2024 DNFI meeting
16:45 Any other business

17:00 Adjourn

Request for the PDF presentations of this meeting (updated 24.01.2023):

    Date: 11. January 2023

    Time: 15:00 to 17:00 CET (Central European Time)

    Place: Mainzer Landstr. 55, 60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

    Online meeting: expired

    Download Agenda: Agenda Annual DNFI Meeting 2023 (Updated: January 2nd)

    The Future of Natural Fibres for Hometextiles