
Link to: International Year of Natural Fibres 2009: Ramie Wikipedia: Ramie – Urticaceae Ramie Facts: Native to East Asia and commonly known as China grass, Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) is a …


Link to: International Year of Natural Fibres 2009: Flax Link to: Current information about Flax Wikipedia: Flax – Linum Usitatissimum Flax Facts: Flax fibres obtained from the stems of the …

Natural Fibres and the World Economy

World natural fiber production in 2013 is estimated at 33 million tons, including 26 million tons of cotton lint, 3.3 million tons of jute, 1.2 million tons of …

Kapok – Ceiba pentandra

Kapok also called “plant down”, is the hollow fibre of the Kapok tree (Ceiba pentandra). Kapok is the long fibres of the fruits of an tree growing in the tropics. The fibre itself is …

Natural Fibres – a success story

… Nature not only provides food for our bodies, but fibres for our clothing and homes …. As synthetic fibres became wide spread only in the 1960’s, natural fibres date …