Velener Textil win 2018 DNFI Award

Velener Textil GmbH, located in Velen, Germany, has won the Discover Natural Fibres Initiative (DNFI) Innovation in Natural Fibres Award for 2018. The winning process, “WECYCLED® – Real added value …

87th Annual IWTO Congress 2018

Making up 40% of the world’s population, the first generation of the 21st century is starting to come of age. Known as Generation Z, members of this demographic are environmentally …

Popzyk and Klein win 2017 DNFI Award

Marie-Isabel Popzyk, Scientific Assistant at Aachen University and Dr. Roland Klein, Group Manager at the Fraunhofer-Institute in Germany were selected through a process of on-line voting by participants in more …

China Rediscovers Hemp

China’s Heilongjiang Province massively steps up its research and development efforts to make fine, environmentally friendly hemp fibres a large-scale alternative to cotton. Additionally, experts work on hemp foods and …

Architectural Components made with Jute

Over the last few decades, indoor air quality and emissions from building material have been a major challenge for scientists, consumers and the construction industry itself. The OSIRYS project aims …

Cotton Irrigation Systems Overview

(Update: 17. October 2020) Cotton Incorporated has released a in deeps overview report about irrigation systems for cotton crops. The three most common systems are: Sprinkler irrigation Surface irrigation Drip …