IWTO Wool Round Table 2024

Join the International Wool Textile Organisation in Istanbul, Turkey for the annual Round Table from 27. to 29. November 2024. In partnership with the Turkish Textile Employers’ Association (TTEA), this …

93th Annual IWTO Congress 2024

Taking the theme of “An Industry Interwoven,” the programme of the 93. IWTO Congress showcases the benefits of an industry working together. Reflecting synergies throughout the supply chain, local and …

92th Annual IWTO Congress 2023

We look forward to meeting in person in Kyoto from 16 to 18 May, as guests of the Japan Wool Industry Association, with Mr. Tetsuya Motohiro acting as Congress Director …

Wool Round Table 2022

The International Wool Textile Organisation invites you to Nuremberg, Germany for the Wool Round Table. The Congress will be held in-person with live-streaming sessions via Webex. Germany is the largest …

Annual Wool Congress 2022 – Part 2

The International Wool Textile Organisation (IWTO) and the China Wool Textile Association (CWTA) cordially invite you to Puyuan-Tongxiang for the 91st annual Wool Congress. After the first date in April …